Pineberry CBD Flower Review


Hey there! My name is Nate with Dr. Ganja. Here I am giving my review of a new hemp strain that came in. I’ll cover the Pineberry CBD effects, taste, smell and more to ensure you’re well informed of this wonderful new strain.


Every Dr. Ganja CBD hemp flower package comes discreetly packaged and emits no smell. The labeling on the box is generic. From the outside, it’s impossible to discern what the box contains; a big plus to those who prefer privacy. Upon opening the box, the mylar bags that contain the actual cbd flower are further air-sealed in a bag. (By the way, shipping is free on all U.S. orders.)


With every order, Dr. Ganja provides potency, pesticide, and the microbiological cbd lab test results of the cbd hemp flower strain you will soon be enjoying. This should be the industry norm and I’m glad it’s slowly heading that way.

Pineberry Flower Quality

Pineberry CBD flower is pretty sticky. The trichromes, or the little white crystals you see amongst the ocean of green, yellow, and orange, are very evident, especially when looking in direct light. Despite the stickiness of the Pineberry buds, it seems properly cured and upon searching, I couldn’t find a single seed.


One of my favorite things about Dr.Ganja’s Pineberry is its smell. It’s alluring. I found myself constantly opening and closing the bag to get another whiff of it. There’s a smell of hay, pine, a little diesel… but what really gets me coming back is the scent of lavender. To make sure I wasn’t crazy, I asked for a second opinion:

“Close your eyes and tell me, what do you think it is?”
“I know what it is.”
“Okay, but what does it smell like?”
“Smells like… -sniff sniff- a little like pine trees and lavender tea.”
As it turns out, linalool, the terpene responsible for that lavender smell, is in fact present in this batch of Pineberry (although in low amounts).


I tried the Pineberry hemp flower both in a joint and in my vaporizer. The smoking/vaping experience is one of Pineberry’s best qualities. The smoke is smooth. I tried smoking it faster to see if it would produce that common throat burn, but it seemed rock steady.

The smoke itself doesn’t give off as skunky an odor as some strains and for me that’s a good thing.


If you want to get the most out of Pineberry’s taste, you should vape it. The woodiness of combustion has a tendency to diminish the other present flavors, but in the vape they come through much cleaner. There’s hay, pine flavors, and a little sweetness.

Pineberry CBD Effects

I choose to smoke Pineberry both at 8 a.m. in the morning and 8 p.m. at night, to see how the effects differed based upon the time of day and my mental state; the first day in a joint and then the second using a vaporizer. I’m go-go-go in the morning and usually by 7 or 8, ready to start unwinding for the night.

8 a.m.: After smoking about 0.2g of Pineberry following some green tea, I had a nice feeling of calm. It was particularly noticeable because of how I usually am after I wake up: brain on hyperdrive mode in an effort to finish as much as I can before lunch. After smoking Pineberry, I felt focused. Kind of like a cup of coffee without the jitters.

8 p.m.: I consumed the same amount as in the morning. While it could be due to many factors, upon finishing my joint, I walked inside and could not stop yawning. As someone who has a bit of trouble settling into bed, this was very welcome. The strain seems to be good for the mornings and great for the evenings.

In fact, ever since I received my Pineberry buds, it has been my nightcap.

I did the same testing with my vape the next day. Similar effects, although in the morning, I felt even more awake and focused when vaporizing. Very nice. The caveat is that the vape doesn’t produce the same lethargy some people need to sleep as does smoking, but that’s not specific to the strain anyhow.


If I had to choose which of Pineberry’s qualities I like best, it would be a tough call. On one hand, the smoke is incredibly smooth… on the other, the smell is fresh and enticing, and yet on another (apparently I’ve got 3), the calm that comes over you right after consuming can’t be denied.

I definitely recommend the Pineberry CBD flower for those who tend to be on the more anxious side, as well as those who need a certain something to melt them into bed.

If you want to give Pineberry a try, you can find her here: click me!

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