What is CBD, and how can it help? Maybe you’ve heard a little something about the many, many benefits of CBD. After all, it’s 2017. The world is finally realizing how awesome CBD is! We’re finally talking about hemp, and its close relative hemp, and the ways that its extracts can give us a boost in day-to-day life.
And the most important thing to know is that CBD is made from industrial hemp — a plant that contains less than 0.3% THC.
So What Exactly Is CBD?
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what exactly is CBD? Answer: it’s a compound called cannabidiol, abbreviated as CBD, that doesn’t just come with medical benefits — it also doesn’t have anything to do with the psychoactive compound THC, which gets people high. So, people can supplement with CBD without worrying about drug tests or becoming impaired in their daily lives.
So it’s non-psychoactive, legal, and totally natural. Why else are people talking about CBD so much right now? Since it’s been found to have neuroprotective and neurogenic effects, CBD can help relieve problems from inflammation, anxiety, general pain, stress, and even seizures.
But for the average person, think of CBD like a vitamin pill that you take daily. Rather than having a pronounced effect right away, like cold medicine or ibuprofen, CBD can help improve your quality of life over time through decreasing inflammation and treating uncomfortable symptoms.
The way it works is this: by activating certain receptors, CBD aids in modulating body temperature, inflammation, and feelings of pain. By helping to regulate neurotransmitters like dopamine and glutamate, CBD also aids with areas like memory, learning, cognition, motivation and motor control.
Best of all, there isn’t just one way that you can supplement with CBD. It comes in all the forms you could want, from powder to tincture to lotion or spray. You can drink CBD in beverage form, add CBD oil to your food, or — in true supplement style — take a daily capsule.
In short, CBD is the perfect all-natural boost we’ve been looking for. Have you tried it yet? What are you waiting for?
All your favorite CBD products are available on the Dr.Ganja CBD store for the best price with fast & free shipping and we offer international shipping as well.
Did we answer all your questions? Got more? Leave them in the comments below, and let us know what your favorite uses for CBD are! And don’t forget to use my special promo code TAKE5 to get an extra discount.
CBD works by affecting our endocannabinoid system; namely, our CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors are some of the most widespread receptors.
[…] 1.What is CBD oil and does it get you high? CBD stands for Cannibidol and is one of the many cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant. The products available on Dr.Ganja will have .3 percent or less THC. At most, you will find traces of it, but that’s about it. I use CBD all of the time and I have never felt high from it, though every body has different tolerance levels. If you want to know more about what CBD is in greater detail, go ahead and check out our blog What is CBD. […]