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Home Edibles CBD Gummies

CBD Gummies

CBD gummies are hands down, the most delicious ways to consume cannabidiol. Whether these fruity edibles come in a sweet or sour option, they’re usually one tasty treat. Not only that, but each gummy will have a specific dose of CBD, such as 10, 25, or 30mg, to make daily supplementing easy and convenient.

What are CBD Gummies?

They’re the edible way to consume cannabidiol. They’re similar to regular gummies in terms of their appearance and texture, yet they have a dose of CBD infused into them. Some are shaped like o-rings, others are in the shapes of bears, while some are square or triangle shaped. This all depends on the manufacturer that creates them.

What are CBD Gummy Bears Good For?

These cute little bears benefit people in a variety of ways. They may be the preferred choice over oil tinctures or vaping, or they might get chosen for their ease of use and amazing taste factor. Also, they’re good for those who want a steady dose of cannabidiol.

Eating a CBD edible, like gummy bears, gives you longer-lasting benefits based on how they digest in the body. If you’ve ever smoked or vaped, you know the effects kick in quickly. With edibles, that’s not the case. It takes longer for the effects to manifest, but once they do, they have the potential to give you relief for hours on end.

How Will CBD Gummies Make You Feel?

The best CBD gummies will give you relief in some shape or form. Whether that be physical or mental relief. Everyone has their own reasons for using cannabidiol-based products in their healthcare regime, but the one common thread is the desire to feel better.

Given the specific properties of cannabidiol, feeling energized after a dose is not very likely. But, feeling calm, relaxed, and at peace are much more likely.

Will CBD Make Me Tired?

Some people buy CBD gummies for sleep, hoping that it will help them feel tired enough to fall asleep. And this is absolutely possible. The most important thing here is the strength of the formula. In other words, how high is the dose? You might not feel tired with a 10mg gummy, but a 25mg could do the trick.

But, on the same token, if your dose is too high, say you eat 2 at the same time and they each have 25mg, you may end up feeling a bit lethargic. This isn’t a good thing when you have the whole workday ahead of you. So, your dose and the timing of your dose play a big role in answering this question.

Can You Get High Off CBD?

Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp plants, both marijuana, and hemp. It doesn’t cause intoxicating effects. However, some hemp products could have a substantial amount of THC (a psychoactive cannabinoid) which would create a high feeling.

However, when you search for legal hemp-derived cannabidiol based products, the amount of THC in the product must be less than 0.3%. Companies will often post proof of this percentage in the form of a third-party lab test report.

So, be sure to look for the cannabinoid analysis (one of the lab tests) to verify the amount of Delta 9 THC is less than 0.3%. If it is, then you know you’re buying a legal product, and secondly, you won’t have to worry about getting high.

How Many Gummies Should I Eat?

Even if you’ve dosed with cannabidiol before, whether that be from a gummy, oil tincture, vaping, etc., it’s still good to start with one gummy. Every brand is different, so even if the gummy only has 10mg, it could feel different than another 10mg gummy you had in the past. Taking it slow will give your body time to adjust and soon enough, you’ll be able to figure out your ideal dose.

Whether that ends up being 3 a day — one in the morning, afternoon, and night. Or maybe one gummy in the mid-afternoon could be enough for what you need. Within a week or so of consistent use, you’ll figure it out by finding the right CBD gummies dosage.

Will CBD Show On A Drug Test?

Although drug tests don’t actually screen for cannabidiol, they do screen for THC, because THC is still federally illegal. Since these two cannabinoids have similar chemical structures sometimes a test can result in a false-positive. Or it’s possible that the minuscule amounts of THC (less than 0.3%) in legal products can create a false-positive result.

Even with the low likelihood of this happening, there’s still a small chance and we want you to be "in the know."

Hemp Gummies vs CBD Gummies?

Cannabidiol comes from the hemp plant, which is why these words are sometimes used in place of one another. When you’re looking for a gummy product, make sure any product that’s referred to as a hemp gummy shows the actual amount of cannabidiol in milligrams. Otherwise, the product may only contain hemp seed oil.

Where to Find CBD Gummies for Sale?

Dr.Ganja has an excellent selection of full spectrum gummies and pure cannabidiol gummies, with various potencies and flavor profiles. Scroll back up to see all of our options!